Demystifying Biocompatibility: A Comprehensive Guide to ISO 10993 Standards

Biocompatibility serves as the cornerstone of ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices. At the North American Biomedical Institute (NABI), our commitment to this critical aspect of device development is underscored by our meticulous alignment with ISO 10993 standards.


ISO 10993 standards are a set of guidelines that outline the biological evaluation of medical devices. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to demystify these standards, providing a detailed understanding of their significance and how they play a crucial role in the development of safe medical devices.


The Biological Evaluation Plan (BEP), and Biological Evaluation Report (BER) are integral components of ISO 10993 standards. These documents form the foundation of our testing services at NABI, ensuring that every assessment is conducted with precision and thoroughness.


Navigating the complexities of biocompatibility testing can be challenging, especially with the evolving landscape of medical device development. This guide serves as a valuable resource for both seasoned professionals and those new to the field. It not only breaks down the key ISO 10993 standards but also sheds light on how NABI’s testing services go above and beyond, setting us apart as a leader in the industry.


Understanding the nuances of ISO 10993 is pivotal for making informed decisions in medical device development. Our commitment to aligning with these standards positions NABI as your trusted partner on the journey to creating top-quality and safe medical devices.